Become recognised as a leading organisation in healthcare needs a powerful communications growth strategy and plan, a clear message delivered consistently and creatively. Reputation building involves knowledge of your most critical audience, and finding innovative solutions to convince, influence and engage stakeholders. Our eyes support you to protect, manage and build reputations to stay and become relevant.


Every brand is unique and has a value story, which needs to be unlocked and visualised to grab the attention of your audience. Creative concepts challenge and influence people in a way they did not perceive your brand before. Once engaged, the perception and behavioural change process begins. Building on experience and gut feeling, we build campaigns that make your brands stand out from the crowd. Touching patients, doctors, healthcare professionals to go for your solution.


Throughout all of our activities, our focus is on ensuring a solid narrative that helps engage, inform, educate and ultimately facilitate behavioural change. We can provide answers and data, helping you to identify commercial and educational opportunities and plan insight-driven initiatives that create impact.

As a small independent Dutch agency we are adept at working productively with external partners and other agencies. We’re also very proud of our ability to manage international projects for our clients.